In the beginning…..

In the beginning there was T.L. and K.R. And God said “It was good.” Well, we are sure that’s the last time God used the word ‘good’ to describe the two of us! LOL!! But seriously, here’s how we came up with the idea for “What She Knew.”

We are small town girls with a big idea. It all started with an advanced writing class that posed the challenge to come up with something that has never been done before. While pondering this scenario over dinner with the hubbies, CNN flashed the news of Anna Nicole Smith’s death.

The shocking similarities in Anna and Marilyn’s death got us onto the subject of how everyone wants to emulate Marilyn Monroe’s looks and charm to somehow capture the sex appeal that attracted both sexes to her. After a bit of musing, the idea struck T.L. that an ‘altered’ history of sorts would make a great novel. What if Marilyn Monroe had lived? What if What She Knew could save John F. Kennedy from assassination? But more importantly what if the world could see a Marilyn Monroe that was vulnerable, lost and in need of help?

While K.R. put together the details and plot, T.L. did endless research on the subject and then the collaboration took place until both were satisfied. Once the first book was completed, the authors realized there was enough material to construct a second novel. Currently Hughes and Burns are working on “What She Knew, Too… The Saga Continues.”

8 thoughts on “In the beginning…..

    • Thanks so much, Tasha. We appreciate it and we’re glad that you are liking our journey. We’re finishing this month or so and it will come out in the fall (fingers, arms, and legs crossed).

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